Wednesday, April 13, 2011


We are a fast growing International Company, established with more than 20 offices in 7 countries that support a huge network of distributors and customers in the Asia Pacific Region. Currently, we have 5 branches in major cities across Indonesia. Our product portfolio falls into 5 main categories, i.e. Health Care, Water Purification System, Skin Care and Beauty, Foundation Lingerie and FMCG.

Due to our expansion, we are now seeking for qualified candidates for the following vacancy:



Female / Male, age between 25 – 40 years. (Wanita / Pria, umur 25 – 40 tahun)
Min. D3 or Equivalent from reputable university and hold Certificate of PSL, Cidesco, LCCI, MLVK, World Master or local beauty certificate. (Minimal D3 atau setara dari Universitas terkemuka dan memegang sertifikat PSL, Cidesco, LCCI, MLVK, World Master atau sertifikat kecantikan lokal)
Minimum 3 years working experience in the same capacity in beauty / FMCG. (Pengalaman kerja minimal 3 tahun dengan kapasitas yang sama di bidang kecantikan)
Knowledgeable in Beauty and able to conduct various type of trainings, product launching seminars, product knowledge, skin treatments and consultations, make-up. (Berpengetahuan di bidang kecantikan dan mampu memberikan beberapa jenis pelatihan, seminar peluncuran produk, pengetahuan produk konsultasi & perawatan kulit, make-up)
Experienced in skincare, hair care, men’s care, body care, make-up and fragrance trainings for International Brands in retail counters / beauty stores, salons / spas, beauty school or beauty company. (Berpengalaman dalam pelatihan perawatan kulit, perawatan untuk pria, perawatan tubuh dan wewangian untuk merek Internasional di konter ritel / toko kecantikan, salon / spa, sekolah kecantikan atau perusahaan kecantikan)
Possesses a pleasant, dynamic personality and result-oriented. (Memiliki karakter yang menyenangkan, dinamis dan berorientasi pada hasil)
Good interpersonal skill, discipline and able to work independently (Keahlian berkomunikasi yang baik, disiplin dan dapat bekerja secara independen)
Polite, attractive, outgoing, honest, team player, and able to work under pressure (Sopan, menarik, ramah, jujur, pemain tim dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan)
Proficient in English. Mandarin would be an advantage. (Dapat berbahasa Inggris. Mandarin akan lebih diutamakan)
Able to travel throughout Indonesia, if required. (Dapat bepergian ke seluruh Indonesia, jika diperlukan)

Send your application completed with latest CV and photograph via E-mail not later than 2 weeks (max. 200 kb) to: